Congrats to our coaching client Chad Brager on his epic six weeks of racing and testing his endurance!
In 6 weeks he completed 3 marathons, 3 half marathons, a Spartan Beast, a sprint triathlon, multiple virtual races including a trail 12K, and OrangeTheory Hell Week.
“I am having some reflective moments . . . and looking back at it, I really cannot believe what I did in October-November. I am not sure I will ever be able to match the sheer intensity and volume of racing that I did over these last 6 weeks ever again.
I want to cry, I am so happy. I thought I would be hating life and want to quit racing after this. I imagined being burnt out. None of it happened. I feel better than I ever have. I am tired, and sore, but I enjoy that feeling. Thanks, MTA Coach Lynn!”
See his list of races . . . Continue Reading →