Feeling exhausted and drained after long run?

MTA Coach Henry is a professional writer/editor who has finished on the overall podium in various races and completed distances from 5K to 100 miles. Learn more about our coaching services here.

“I am training for my first 50k and am fortunate to be able to train on the actual course. Last week I ran 10 miles on the course and for the next two days I was completely exhausted and drained of all energy. Any suggestions you can offer for my future runs to not be so exhaustive would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for all that you do to encourage and inspire runners of all ages and at all levels.” -Ellie Fitzgerald


An epic six weeks!

Congrats to our coaching client Chad Brager on his epic six weeks of racing and testing his endurance!

In 6 weeks he completed 3 marathons, 3 half marathons, a Spartan Beast, a sprint triathlon, multiple virtual races including a trail 12K, and OrangeTheory Hell Week.

“I am having some reflective moments . . . and looking back at it, I really cannot believe what I did in October-November. I am not sure I will ever be able to match the sheer intensity and volume of racing that I did over these last 6 weeks ever again.

I want to cry, I am so happy. I thought I would be hating life and want to quit racing after this. I imagined being burnt out. None of it happened. I feel better than I ever have. I am tired, and sore, but I enjoy that feeling. Thanks, MTA Coach Lynn!”

See his list of races . . . Continue Reading →


One of the best days of my life . . .

Congrats to MTA coaching client Julia Smith on earning a 58 minute PR at the New York City Marathon yesterday!!🤩

“Today was one of the best days of my life. 4:12:49 at the 50th New York City Marathon and in no small part thanks to MTA Coach Lynn! This was a PR of over 58 minutes (!!!) from my first marathon in February.

I truly had no idea what I was doing before coaching and came to her saying I hoped I could run New York in 4:30-4:45! Well obviously that goal was smashed AND my body feels ten times better than it did the first time.

Whether you run, walk, or crawl, you MUST put the NYC marathon on your bucket list. Strangers were screaming my name the entire 26.2 miles and I don’t think I stopped smiling once. Thank you MTA- I truly ran a marathon and changed my life!” -Julia


How do you train for a marathon when you are slow?

MTA Coach Lynn has run a marathon in every US state after the age of 40. She is a certified running coach, registered dietician and an expert at helping “back-of-the-pack” runners.


“How do you train for a marathon when you are slow? Should you follow the standard program even though the 18-20 mile rubs will take over five hours, or do you stop at a shorter time and just go for it at a race. Also, how do you deal with the course opening to everybody and you are out there wearing a bib all alone. I did it once and the difficulty in being alone was harder than the actual run. I want to do one more marathon next year but have to prepare better.” -Callie Pappas Winner


On the Ground at the Boston Marathon

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In this podcast episode we recap the 125th Boston Marathon. Feel the energy from the crowds and hear from runners at the MTA Meet up. Coach Angie takes you along the course and shares interesting facts about the world’s most prestigious marathon.

The date of the 2021 Boston Marathon was changed from Patriot’s Day in April to October 11th– a full 910 days after the last Boston Marathon in 2019. It took place the day after the Chicago Marathon (a number of runners did a double requiring logistical and physical endurance).

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“Can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!”

Here’s is a wonderful email from Emily, a MTA coaching client, who just completed her first marathon. Congrats Emily on your success!

“Dear MTA, I’ve been listening to the MTA podcast for about 5 years now. Always inspired by the recaps and never really thought I could be a success story due to the fact that training for a 10k or even a 5k would always end up with me developing some sort of injury.

I always wanted to be a runner but I was never consistent enough- I would get discouraged then come back to it every few months. After many failed attempts at trying to train on my own, I bit the bullet and contacted MTA for help. Now today I am proud to say that I am a success story!

I wanted to express my gratitude for having me paired with MTA Coach Antonio to help me get through my first marathon. I was able to show up and successfully complete the 2021 Chicago Marathon injury free! I have gone through so many ups and downs these past few months and Coach Antonio has been nothing but supportive and informative through all of it.

He drew up a training plan that was suitable for me. It was not overwhelming and he really built my confidence up that made me truly believe that I can do hard things! Thank you soooo much again, MTA!!! Running the Chicago Marathon has truly changed my life . . . I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!!” Regards, Emily Novak Continue Reading →


New personal best by over 48 minutes

Congrats to Artiea on the solid training build up and shaving 48 minutes off her PR!!

“I’m checking in after running the Virtual Boston Marathon on Sunday, 10/10 in New York City. As you know, I purchased the training plan with a goal finish time of 5:15, I’m happy to report that I finished in 5:20!!! Overall, I’m so happy with how prepared I felt going into this virtual race. I was able to maintain a consistent pace throughout only slowing down to cross through a few traffic lights. This is a new personal best for me by over 48 minutes. Thank you for curating such an excellent training plan. I am running NYC marathon in 4 weeks, hoping to carry this momentum into that race.” -Artiea


I Hate Running and You Can Too!

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In this episode we speak with Brendan Leonard author of the book I Hate Running And You Can Too -How to Get Started, Keep Going, and Make Sense of an Irrational Passion.

Hear why it’s ok to walk in a marathon and why you get to create your own definition of success.  

We also ask Brendan about what it’s like to make a living as an outdoor writer.

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