Shoutout to Coach Lynn

Here’s a nice comment from a client of Coach Lynn, one of the awesome coaches here at MTA. Congrats Jenn on your success!

Shout out for MTA and Coach Lynn Grieger specifically! I’ve been working with her for about a year now and I know I can be difficult and non-compliant but Coach Lynn has been nothing but patient and kind.

On top of that, she has gotten me from run/walking 30 seconds/1 minute to running non-stop and from a 16:30 minute mile (on a good day) to my current 13:30 mile. I’ve also lost 42 pounds! And all of this has been through illness, injury, and while working as a frontline healthcare worker during a pandemic.

I’ve been a listener to the podcast from the beginning and have been through many ups and downs physically and emotionally. This podcast and this MTA family has been such a positive force in my life, showing me that I can do hard things (thanks Angie ❤). -Jenn Greenly December 15th 2020

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We Launched the 300 Mile Challenge

We are excited to announce the 300 Mile Challenge is open for early registration! We took the famous painting by Edvard Munch and added a running twist to it.

We also have a new run tracker with all new badges every 10 miles! (the goal is to keep rolling out new levels until 1,000), and the new black MTA hat.

Price increases January 1st. REGISTER HERE


Making Your Way On The Wobbly Road to Success

In this podcast episode we talk with the authors of the book Making Your Way -The Wobbly Road to Success and Happiness in Life and Work. In this conversation you will hear how to adjust and thrive as a runner when your training or your life takes an unexpected turn like it did in 2020.

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

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Benefits of Joining an Online Class that You Should Know

Online classes are common today due to the benefits they offer to both the tutor and the learner. The new normal is now a modified concept of education focused on online learning. Online learning is now one of the resources most learning institutions invest in and use to improve their services. All these learning centers, like Illinois Children Recreation Centers, had to adopt these education systems because of the benefits. With advanced technologies, online learning has also become a means of extracurricular activities for adults and kids. Before joining an online class, you have to think of the following advantages of taking online courses.  Continue Reading →

Calf Exercises For Toned And Strong Legs

Why should you work your calves?
Balance and correct proportions are staples of an attractive figure. You may have seen how people who tend to skip leg days have buffed upper body but thin and weak leg muscles. Such figures look disproportionately developed, and therefore a bit cartoonish and comic. And the same goes for separate parts of the body. So, if you want to have nice-looking toned legs, you need to perform calf exercises along with exercises that target your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, which are slightly more popular among fitness enthusiasts. Calf exercises will not only promote more balanced muscle development but also help you burn calories, improve your leg strength, and boost your calf flexibility. Continue Reading →