Interview with Bojan Mandaric, Co-Founder of ‘November Project’ -a Grassroots Fitness Movement

1071692_10101297227098346_1052915772_o*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this podcast episode we speak with Bojan Mandaric co-founder of November Project, a free fitness movement which started in Boston and is now in 29 cites across the U.S., Canada, and Europe.

He’s co-author of November Project The Book – Inside the Free Grassroots Fitness Movement That’s Taking Over the World, published by Rodale.

What emerges from this conversation is the importance of bringing intensity into your next run or workout. Continue Reading →


Champion Runner Shares Trail Knowledge, Advice

Bryon Powell and Meghan Hicks running a trail in Moab, Utah. Credit Kirsten Kortebein

Bryon Powell and Meghan Hicks running a trail in Moab, Utah. Credit Kirsten

Meghan Hicks has been a runner since she was 14, focusing on road races early on. At the same time, Hicks credits her parents for taking her to “wild places” and her brother for playing with her endlessly in the woods when they were younger.

About 10 years ago, she combined her loves of running and the outdoors by exploring the sport of trail running. In 2013, she won the Marathon des Sables in Morocco, the world’s oldest and largest expedition trail-running race.

Now, as Hicks prepares to run the Hardrock 100 trail race, she and partner Bryon Powell have put their love of the outdoors, trail knowledge and passion for the sport into a 226-page book, “Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running.” Continue Reading →


A Vow to Exercise, Lose Weight

Debbie's BQ finish

Debbie’s BQ finish

Newlyweds Bill and Debbie Gelber made a promise to help each other. Now, many races later they are lighter, speedier and healthier.

By Henry Howard

Bill and Debbie Gelber were happy and in love when they committed to each other at their wedding ceremony in 2007.

But when they flipped through their wedding photos, they were both surprised at how much weight they had gained. Debbie was approaching her 40th birthday and Bill would soon turn 50.

Thus began another commitment for the couple: helping each other on the path to good health, which eventually led to more than 100 races for her and plenty of others for him. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: Shadow of the Giants 50k in California

66357985-SOTG-8097*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

The 27th annual running of the Shadow of the Giants 50k was held on June 11, 2016 in Fish Camp, California.

We ran through forests of Giant Sequoias -the trails were beautiful, the weather was “magic”, and the race director was colorful!

Here is my race recap . . . Continue Reading →


How to Keep it Fun at Your Next Marathon

photo credit:  Jeff Moriarty;  Flickr CC

photo credit: Jeff Moriarty; Flickr CC

While pursing my goal of running a marathon in all 50 states (I just finished California), I’m reminded of the importance of having fun at these races.

Maybe you’re feeling nervous about your upcoming race. It’s typical to have pre-race nerves. If you’re not trying to PR or BQ why not take the pressure off and just run for fun?

Here are five tips for keeping it fun . . . Continue Reading →



Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Valley

Here’s a pictorial update on our extended trip out West. We are so thankful for the good health and flexibility to build this trip into our lives and create amazing memories for our kids!

We will be podcasting and taking care of business from the road inbetween running, hiking, and eating Mexican food.

Here’s where we’ve been so far . . . Continue Reading →


How Running Changes Your Brain –Interview with Dr. Wendy Suzuki

Wendy Suzuki*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Wendy Suzuki has a PhD in neural science and is a researcher at New York University. She’s author of the book Healthy Brain, Happy Life.

We talk with her about the effects of running on the human brain, hippocampus growth, brain plasticity, memory, reward centers, the power of affirmations, meditation and more. Continue Reading →


The Number One Reason Why You Won’t Reach Your Training Goals

photo-1421091242698-34f6ad7fc088The number one reason why runners won’t reach their goals is also one of the most preventable reasons: injury! Nothing derails a perfectly developed training plan like an injury.

The most common injury to runners is also the most common injury for those in the western world: low back pain (LBP). LBP is estimated to affect nearly 80% of the U.S. population at one time or another. And worse yet, once you have experienced an episode of LBP you have a 90% chance of having a reoccurrence. Continue Reading →


A ‘non-runner’ now embraces PRs and PR

MegFingert2Public relations professional mixes business with pleasure — promoting race events and setting new personal bests.

By Henry Howard

Unlike all the other athletes I have featured in this blog, I personally know Meg Fingert. In fact, we met before either of us were runners.

At the time, about six years ago, I was recruiting Purdue University students to assist with a new website and Fingert was a college student. Ironically, she was among the students in the first class I taught at Purdue a couple of years later.

Since then, we have both graduated onto bigger and better things, including marathons. But this is her story – the story of a self-proclaimed “non-runner” who is eyeing a 50-state goal. Continue Reading →


MTA Epic Summer Conquest!

Mobile podcasting studio & running gear trailer.

Mobile podcasting studio & running gear trailer.

We just embarked on a 2 month trip, which I am calling our Epic Summer Conquest.

I call it that because our camper is a Gulf Stream Conquest and Angie thinks I overuse the word epic, which makes me want to use it more haha.

Our plans (conquest goals) are to see family, run races, visit national parks and make amazing memories for our kids! Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Fargo Marathon -Where Fun Times Are Had By All!

Fargo Marathon mug shot

Fargo Marathon mug shot

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

The 12th annual Scheels Fargo Marathon was held on Saturday May 21, 2016.

They also had a half marathon, 10k, 5k, relay, kid’s run, furgo dog run (2 mile), and Go Far challenge (5k + another distance).

This race as been rated “best value marathon.” It gets 4.5/5 stars on the course, organization and fans over on Continue Reading →