How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Like the Treadmill

treadmillRunning on the machine offers up some benefits when it gets too cold or icy to be out on the roads or trails.

By Henry Howard

OK, so I couldn’t actually justify using the word “love” in the headline as was used in the Dr. Strangeglove movie title that gave me the inspiration for this story.

But I did find that running on the treadmill was actually palatable during bitter winter days or when sidewalks and roads still had icy spots.

Not as enjoyable mind you as an outdoor run in spring or fall when the temperature feels just right. And certainly not as enjoyable as an invigorating trail run. Continue Reading →


How to Become Better Than Before -Interview with Gretchen Rubin

photo credit: Elk Studios

photo credit: Elk Studios

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In this episode we talk with Gretchen Rubin, author of the book Better Than Before -Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives.

Angie and I read this book in January to help ourselves get focused on goals and personal growth. It’s a great read and has many applications to marathon training.

All of us would like to run, exercise, and eat heathy without even thinking twice. Thus the power of habit is preferred to the strength of willpower. But making new habits is easier for some people than it is for others. Here’s the secret, Continue Reading →


How to Avoid Upper Back Pain When Running

Man with backache. Pain in the human bodyImagine how much the average person actually slouches during a day.

Slouching during breakfast, then hunched over the kitchen sink to wash dishes, slouching while driving a car, and then slouching while sitting at work or at a school desk.

Don’t forget about slouching while texting, watching TV or using the computer. When you are not slouching, you’re bending over to clean or pick up children and/or pets. The list of slouching possibilities is endless!

Now envision your running posture. Does it look any different? Many of us run in a forward head and rounded shoulders position–a slouched posture! Runners experience many of the same aches and pains as their sedentary counter parts. Upper back and neck pain is a common occurrence. The most typical cause is almost always poor posture. Continue Reading →


Race Recap: The Jacksonville Bank Marathon (How to Run a Last Minute Race)

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The Jacksonville Bank Marathon was held for the 33rd time on January 3, 2016.

This race is billed as the “fastest marathon course in the south” and rated the Top 10 Fastest by Runner’s World. It has a 6 hour time limit for the full; 3 hour for the half and also featured a 5k.

I was able to travel to Jacksonville, FL to visit a friend for a few days during the holiday and by chance found this marathon to do while I was there (because doesn’t everyone search for races at their trip destinations). I registered for the race about one week out and it was still a reasonable $80. I love a good bargain! Continue Reading →


Here’s Our New 50k Training Plan

Screen Shot 2016-01-16 at 12.47.35 AMFor those who want to break into the ultramarathon world . . . a 50k is a good distance to start with.

You might have heard on the MTA podcast that Angie ran 3 ultras last year – a 40 miler, 50k, and 50 miler, and loved it. Well, she’s just put the finishing touches on a beginner 50k Training Plan available for sale on our website.

Here’s a look at what’s in it . . . Continue Reading →


Angie Made the Front Page of the Sunday Paper


Here’s a story about MTA that ran in our town’s newspaper last Sunday. Our thanks to reporter Leonna Heuring and The Sikeston Standard Democrat for featuring us (well, mostly Angie). If you’re interested in reading the story I have a pdf version of page one here and page two here. Open and scroll to bottom of page.


Going From Zero to Marathon

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If you’ve recently started listening to the podcast we’d like to give you a big welcome and let you know that you have come to the right place, even if a marathon seems like a long way off.

Trevor and I didn’t start off in marathon shape and it’s been a process through the years to get to the place where we can run a last minute marathon.

You may be looking to train for your first half or full marathon or you’re just returning to that level of fitness after some time off. That’s what “From Zero to Marathon” is all about. Continue Reading →


Interview with Tom Foreman -Runner, Dad, and Reporter at CNN

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Tom Foreman is a journalist, anchor, and reporter for CNN.

He’s author of the new book My Year of Running Dangerously – a Dad, A Daughter, and a Ridiculous Plan.

As an out-of-shape 50 year old ex-runner he took up the challenge from his daughter to train for the Atlanta Marathon.

This was the spark that has set Tom’s running on fire! Continue Reading →


How Much Running Should I Do in the Off Season?

Here’s a great question that was sent in by a reader named Melissa,

What does your off season workout routine look like? I am looking to take my running ability to the next level and have been doing a lot of research. I don’t have a half marathon planned until the Spring though so I have made my decision in what would be an off season. What do you suggest for training during this period? Any advice would be great. Thanks so much! -Melissa T.

Here’s what I wrote back, Continue Reading →


How to Best Transition to Trail Running

RunOver the river and through the woods will take runners on a journey often more satisfying than a road run. Here’s what to know before you take to the trails.

By Henry Howard

If you are like me, you started out running on the roads or a treadmill. Your first race was probably a 5K on a paved road or maybe a paved trail in a community park.

Since those early days, I have gravitated toward running trails.

In fact, three of my nine long-distance races this year were trail runs — my first full marathon on a trail in Wisconsin, as well as two half marathons, one at night and one during the morning.

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All About Running Streaks

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Last year Runner’s World put out a challenge to run every day from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. I took them up on this challenge, and just like Forest Gump, I decided to keep running. Everyday for one year.

This streak required intentionality and creativity. I ran wherever I happened to be, on the deck of a ship, hotel treadmill, or a cliffside trail at Canyon Lands National Park.

I ran at 11:45 at night and 4:45 in the morning. Whatever it took to get my mile done. Trevor calculated that I ran in 18 states and one Canadian province. Continue Reading →