20 Running Mantras

Runners repeatedly feed their mind with inspirational, motivational and even humorous sayings during long-distance training runs or races.

During my first marathon somewhere around Mile 16, I heard a bystander repeating to all the runners who came by her, “You can and you will.”

I really didn’t know what a mantra was at that point, but I kept repeating it in my head, and it turned out to be a mantra that I still use today.

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9 Tips to Self-Treat Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)

ITBandMobilizationRunners will often develop Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) after running on uneven terrain or downhill.

The pain, located on the lateral (outside) leg or knee, can be very debilitating to the point that running or hiking activities have to be stopped.

Even walking becomes difficult. If you handle your pain and symptoms quickly, ITBS can be easily self-treated.

This post will help you discover the risk factors for ITBS, and learn how to quickly return to your running routine with these self-treatment techniques. Continue Reading →


Qualifying for the Boston Marathon –Interview with Chris Russell

Boston_Marathon_2010_in_Wellesley[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Chris Russell has qualified for the Boston Marathon 16 times.  He is the creator of the Run Run Live podcast and author of Marathon BQ – How to Qualify for the Boston Marathon in 14 Weeks. 

With the Boston Marathon approaching we thought it would be appropriate to bring you an episode about how to run a BQ time. Here’s what Chris had to say. Continue Reading →


10 Questions About Pregnancy and Marathon Training

photo credit: Michael Hollander; Flickr Creative Commons

photo credit: Michael Hollander; Flickr Creative Commons

Many women have asked me if it’s possible to safely run and train for a marathon while pregnant.

This is a very important question and I’ve thought about dedicating a whole podcast episode to this topic.

Well, lo and behold I was recently invited to speak about this on the Run Run Live podcast. A big thanks to Chris Russell for having me on the show! You can hear me on episode 4-308.

Chris sent over 10 really great questions about pregnancy and running that he wanted me to tackle during the interview.

Here are the answers I gave based on my own experience of running through two pregnancies and the science I’ve read on this topic. Continue Reading →


How to Self-Treat Plantar Fasciitis

PlantarFasciitisExercisePlantar fasciitis, a very painful and debilitating condition, is commonly experienced by runners in the spring as many runners begin to taper up mileage in preparation for the spring and early summer racing season.

A sudden increase in mileage along with a transition from indoor running (either on a track or treadmill) onto harder surfaces (such as concrete or asphalt) can cause microscopic injury to the plantar fascia.

This results in swelling and pain. Plantar fasciitis is more common in older runners, but it can occur to anyone at any age. It typically begins as a mild discomfort which grows steadily and quickly to the point that a person may struggle to walk, stand, and especially run.

In this post you will discover the risk factors for plantar fasciitis, and learn how to quickly return to your running routine with these self-treatment techniques. Continue Reading →


The Ingredients of Success in Endurance and Life – Interview with Joe De Sena

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 11.33.13 AMpodcast-on-itunes-300x97[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Joe De Sena once completed the Badwater 135, Lake Placid Ironman, and Vermont 100 miler in the same week.

He famously finished the 444 mile Iditarod dogsledding race on foot. (Yes people you read that correctly). He starts every morning with 300 burpees and a run then he hoses off with a cold shower JUST FOR FUN. 🙂

His legendary Death Race has taken the strongest human specimens and ground them to powder.

I’ve heard that Chuck Norris has a Joe De Sena lunch box. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield reached out to us when we first started the MTA podcast five years ago. We have had him on the show every year since and he never fails to deliver great value to our listers. This episode is no exception!

In this interview you will hear him throw down tips on how runners can build muscular strength, obstacle racing mania, common mistakes he sees new runners make, nutritional misinformation, fueling for endurance, meditation, elevation training, chocolate milk, eating fruit post-exercise, drinking craft beer, and more!
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The Case for Core Training –How Strong Core Muscles Make You a More Efficient Runner

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If you’ve been around the running world for any length of time you’ve probably heard the term “core” and “core training” thrown around quite a bit.

Training for a marathon requires a time investment it can be challenging to add one more thing to your busy schedule if you really don’t see the importance of how it directly relates to your success in running. That’s why many runners mistakenly don’t focus on exercises to balance and strengthen their running muscles.

Building core strength is an essential element to running effectively since it will improve your running form and decrease the chance of injury.

Here’s why you can’t afford to ignore your core. Continue Reading →


Effective Core Training for Runners

CORE.002Core work is a must if you’re going to be a successful marathoner. It’s such an important topic that I’m getting ready to do an entire podcast episode on The Case for Core Training.

It provides your body with a solid foundation, giving your legs more strength and increases your running efficiency.

So in this post I want to share three rules and six simple moves you can start implementing today to strengthen your core. Continue Reading →


Positivity, Inspiration Drive Busy Single Mom

Davonda Family-22Davonda Williams balances raising her daughter, fulfilling her job and maintaining her fitness as she aims to finish half-marathons in the U.S. and Europe.

By Henry Howard

Ask Davonda Williams about how she got started running and she laughs. Williams then goes on to explain about a man she used to date who was “always talking about his ex-girlfriend” who was a runner.

“And it started to irritate me,” Williams says cheerfully. “So the first 5K I signed up for was more about me being able to say, ‘Hey, I can run too!’ I am going to show him. And show her. And show everybody.” Continue Reading →