Interview with Sean Astin –Actor, Marathoner, and Creator of #RUN3rd

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Hey you guys! It’s Sean Astin star of The Goonies, Rudy, Lord of the Rings . . .

All favorite movies of mine.

As a kid I watched The Goonies a dozen times or more. I thought it was a true story. It’s not.

But what is a true story is how Sean has used running to recalibrate his health and fitness and reach greater levels of success.

In this interview you will hear all about Sean’s genesis as a runner, favorite running stories, and future marathon goals.

SPOILER ALERT: He’s working on a 50 State goal.

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Replay Episode! Never Limit Where Running Can Take You

At the Little Rock Marathon in 2011

At the Little Rock Marathon in 2011

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In this special 5 Year Anniversary episode we reach deep into the MTA vault and bring you one of our most popular and inspiring episodes from the early days. Here’s the backstory,

Rewind to 2011.

We just finished the Little Rock Marathon in Little Rock, Arkansas, our first race recap episode. This was my first half marathon. I was previously a total non-runner, desk potato.

Angie was building her fitness back after having a baby. Angie’s sister Autum Danzer (now Autum Haley) joined us to talk about running her first marathon and how it changed her life. The MTA podcast was only 32 episodes old.

Now I invite you to take a pictorial journey with us from that moment to this. And remember . . . Continue Reading →


Interview with Hal Elrod -How to Have a Miracle Morning

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Hal Elrod is a motivational speaker, success coach and best-selling author of The Miracle Morning -The not so Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform your Life Before 8 a.m..  

At 20 years of age Hal was hit head on by a drunk driver traveling 70 mph.   Despite being clinically dead for 6 minutes, spending 6 days in a coma and being told he would never walk again, Hal made a comeback and went on to become a runner and even complete an ultra-marathon.  Hal lives in California with his wife and 2 children. Continue Reading →


Indoor Marathons and Developing Mental Toughness

Just another lap at the Hawk Indoor Marathon and 50k.

Just another lap at the Hawk Indoor Marathon and 50k.

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This podcast episode was inspired by my first ever indoor marathon -the Hawk Indoor Marathon and 50k in Hagerstown, Maryland.

If I could emphasize any one of the points about running an indoor marathon it would be to focus on your mental attitude.

Thinking and vocalizing negativity is rarely helpful. Dealing with monotony, pain, and even loneliness can be a way to develop mental toughness. Why is mental toughness so important? Because the tough stuff in life can either make us or break us.

In this post I’ll share some tips for successfully running an indoor marathon and then finish by adding a few words about developing mental toughness. Continue Reading →


The Hawk Indoor Marathon and 50k Race Recap

With the race director Bill Stewart

With the race director Bill Stewart

The 3rd annual Hawk Indoor Marathon was held on Dec. 31, 2014 in Hagerstown, Maryland.

We were going to be in the area visiting family around that time and I couldn’t resist the chance to run one more marathon before the end of the year.

I’d never previously considered running an indoor marathon or thought it sounded like anything but torture. But as ideas do, this one continued to grow in my mind until I decided to just go for it (see podcast #128).

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Interview with Michael Wardian – Endurance Athlete Extraordinaire

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

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Michael Wardian is an accomplished marathoner and ultra-marathoner from Arlington VA. Last year he won the Big Sur Marathon and the Disney Dopey Challenge, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

His most recent accomplishment was setting a new indoor 50k World Record at the Hawk Indoor 50k in Hagerstown, MD, finishing 250 laps in 3 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Continue Reading →


Just Go For It! Four Mantras for Attempting Great Things in Your Marathon Training and Life

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When the New Year arrives many of us think about making changes and undertaking certain challenges.

Our theme for this podcast and year is “Just Go For It.” This is a reflection of what Trevor and I are aiming for in our business and running.

For most goals there will never be that “perfect” time. You have to make the perfect time.

Your goals and challenges for 2015 will be unique to you. But I want to make some suggestions on how to decide on goals and how to carry them through. Continue Reading →


Interview with Dave Asprey -Biohacker and High Performance Coach

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Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent 15 years and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. 

Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time.

He is the founder of The Bulletproof Executive company and has one of the top health and fitness podcasts in iTunes. Dave’s new book, THE BULLETPROOF DIET, is available now. Continue Reading →


Top Running Stories of 2014

2014It’s been quite a year for the running community — from glory in Boston to disbelief in South Africa.

By Henry Howard

With 2014 winding to a close, many news organizations look back with “top 10” lists of the best, worst or some other categorization.

As runners, we have our own personal top achievements from the past year. Maybe it was a PR, finishing a new race distance or winning an age group. Or perhaps pushing through or recovering from an injury.

But as I reflected on the past year, there seemed to be quite a few running related stories that carried impact that will last beyond 2014. The resilience of the Boston Marathon community to host a terrific race one year after the terrorist bombing. The death of a beloved Olympic athlete and war hero. And Deena Kastor’s half marathon record.

These aren’t in any particular order — I’ll let history decide on the significance of each. But to me, these are the top running stories from the past year. Continue Reading →


Run More and Recover Better

IMG_2443Here’s a question from our Academy Facebook group:

“Ran my first marathon yesterday at the Dallas Marathon. One thought I had often “how the heck does Angie do back to back marathons without falling apart?!” –Ashley

First of all a big congratulations goes out to Ashley for running her first marathon! I certainly wasn’t thinking about running multiple marathons before or during my first marathon in 2008. It was just one of those big challenges that I had to do.

At the time I didn’t have any friends who were runners and didn’t know anyone personally who’d ever run a marathon. Despite making lots of mistakes in training I crossed the finish line in 4:10 and knew that I’d run another marathon.

However, ITBS (iliotibial band syndrome) forced me to lay off running for the next several months. But I knew that I’d learn from my mistakes and come back stronger. I recovered properly, trained smarter and ran a marathon in 2009 breaking four hours. From there it was a process of learning more, setting bigger goals and running more marathons.

Now I’ve run 29 marathons and know that there are many, many more in my future. Here are my tips for running more and recovering more quickly whether your goal is to run more 5ks or marathons: Continue Reading →