How to Choose a Marathon

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More than 628 marathons took place in the USA last year.

Each race is a little different. How do you know which marathon course is just right for you?

Matching the right marathon to your goals and personality can make for a truly memorable experience.

Here are my seven deciding factors you can use when choosing a marathon. Continue Reading →


Race Recap -Lessons from the Little Rock Marathon

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This podcast episode deals with a lot of racing firsts.

My sister Autum ran her very first marathon. Trevor completed his first half marathon (a long anticipated event). And this was my first time going 26.2 after having a baby 5 months ago.

You may be preparing for your first marathon or going into your one hundredth race. Each time your training is going to be unique and there will be some firsts to deal with.

I want to help you be prepared for your marathon experience. Here are some tips to remember going into your race. Continue Reading →


Nutrition for Long Distance Runners

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On this episode we spoke with Ben Greenfield the Get Fit Guy and drilled him with nutrition questions.

I believe that understanding proper nutrition is one key to unlocking your running potential. Eating a healthy balanced diet will give you more energy and mental clarity.

I get many questions regarding diets, weight loss, and fueling for long runs and races. In fact, I had over 70 people email me with questions for this episode!

So I am excited to offer you this information from one of America’s best fitness gurus.

Ben delivers great advice for marathoners that he has tested in his own long distance running and with clients of his fitness business.

Here are some of the questions we asked Ben

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Marathon Tips from My New Ebook

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One of the main inspirations behind this ebook was my sister Autum.

In the last couple of years she has gotten more serious about distance running and set the goal of running a marathon.

I wanted her to have the knowledge to avoid making the mistakes I did and have a great marathon training experience.

So I decided to write about the things I wish I knew before doing my first marathon.

If you haven’t read the book yet . . . here are some official tips to help you run your first marathon. Continue Reading →


Confessions of a Lazy Runner

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In this podcast episode Angie interrogates me about my training for the Little Rock Half Marathon.

Many of you know that I am a new runner. The furthest I have ever run is 10 miles, reluctantly.

I am taking on the half marathon challenge to prove to myself that I have what it takes. And because I think it will be a cool thing to brag about to my co-workers.

Here are my startling revelations from the first six weeks of my training Continue Reading →


Setting and Achieving Running Goals in 2011

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Most of us have probably notoriously made resolutions for the year and fallen off the wagon by the end of January.

In fact, I have read that many people fail by January 5th!

Do you have a plan to implement and achieve your running goals in 2011?

Here are two very powerful factors that have helped me make time for exercise, lose weight, and run marathons. Continue Reading →


Running in the Cold Without Killing Yourself

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Cold weather can be depressing if you’re stuck inside all the time.

Running can be a great way to get out of the house, boost your mood, increase your energy level, and stay in shape.

However, you need to be more careful to have a safe and enjoyable running experience in cold weather.

Here are some things to consider before hitting the road. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Angela Coulombe

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In this podcast we interview Angela Coulombe, who came back from a debilitating bout of Lyme Disease to train for the 2010 NYC Marathon.

I connected with Angela several months ago through the MTA Facebook page and was able to encourage her through her marathon training. In the process I’ve come to admire and respect her.

Lyme Disease is an infection that is transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. The infection often attacks the joints, nervous system, and can even damage the heart.

At one point Angela was bedridden and needed help to complete the simplest tasks. How did she overcome so much and cross the marathon finish line? Find out in this inspiring interview.

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Rebuilding Your Running Base

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If you’re anything like me there have been times in your life when you stopped running. It may have been because of injury, pregnancy, busyness, or just plain laziness. Maybe you are just starting your running journey.

The thought of running miles can seem like a daunting process when you’re out of running shape. I’ve been there myself several times.

I’ve had to rebuild my running base after a knee injury and following three pregnancies.

In the beginning I’ve wondered if it was even worth it. Let me assure you that it is worth it! I want to help you build your running base. Continue Reading →


Barefoot and Minimalistic Running

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Are minimalistic shoes like the Vibram 5 Fingers just a popular fad or a real physiological breakthrough in the sport of running?

Many runners today are going the minimalistic route and finding relief from foot and knee pain.

But before you ditch your highly cushy supportive running shoes for a pair of these minimalistic bad boys you need to see what experts are saying.

Is this an area where you need to jump on board, or a trend to let pass by?

If you are a beginner click here to get your risk free trial membership to our proven system for conquering the marathon.

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Interview with Tim Borland

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Tim ran 63 marathons in 63 days to bring awarness to a rare and fatal children’s disease called Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T).

His amazing journey is chronicled in a film called “FEAT Movie.”

Tim ran a full 26.2 miles each day while pushing a mobility-jogging stroller for 63 days in 63 different communities across the U.S.

Check out Tim’s video at the bottom of this post. Continue Reading →