Listener Questions Answered

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questionsIn this episode, I tackle questions sent in by our listening audience.

Topics discussed include:
Does running damage your joints? Is it safe to run in hot weather? What about running on the treadmill? What are some considerations for heavier runners? What should you eat before running? And some thoughts on setting and achieving fitness goals.

Check out the rest of this post to read the quick answers to these topics.
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Mental Strategies for Conquering the Long Run

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Your body will not be prepared to go the distance unless it has the full support and encouragement of your mind and will. mentalstategies

Having an arsenal of mental tools is vital because the race is at least 50% physical and 50% mental.

Training the mind is vitally important and can be attained through visualizing success, affirmations, and blocking the negative.

Here are some keys to unlock your mental motivation for getting through the long runs.

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Conquering the Long Run

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In this episode I give you the secrets of conquering the long run, Trevor finds himself getting addicted to running, and in the quick tip segment – the most important thing a serious runner must wear.

The long run is undoubtedly the most important aspect of training for a marathon. 

There is no way around it, in order to run 26.2 miles, you will have to build up your ability to run long. 

We asked our facebook fans to send in the biggest challenge (physically or mentally) they face in running long . . .  keep reading to see the questions and answers.

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How to Find Your Running Pace

This short post is in response to a question sent in by a fan of the MTA Facebook Page

Your perfect running pace is that zone where you feel like you could run forever. You need to be able to find this zone quickly if you want to run a marathon or half marathon. 

Here are some tips for finding that perfect pace. Continue Reading →


Preventing Running Injuries

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In this episode Angie deals with how to prevent running injuries so you can remain a healthy and happy long distance runner.  

injuryIf you run enough, at some point you will deal with injury.  Hopefully you will catch and deal with it early. 

Better yet, now you can be informed on how to effectively prevent running injuries before they happen.   

This is the stuff I wish somebody had told me before I started training for my first marathon!

To get Angie’s free report on preventing injuries click here.

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What You Need to Know About Cross-Training

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Effective cross-training can make you a healthier and better balanced runner.

cross-trainingEverybody knows training for a marathon requires lots of running.  But, other exercises need to be incorporated into your training regimen to ensure that you cross the finish line strong and healthy. 

When I trained for my first marathon I ran at least 5 days per week and did little cross training.  Throughout my training program I struggled with shin splints and knee pain.  It was frustrating to deal with these injuries. 

While training for my second marathon I was taking a power yoga class twice a week.  I also incorporated weight training and some cycling. 

My marathon training program only required 3 days of running per week and emphasized cross-training.  Here is a sample week from my training: 

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My Running Story

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This is the story about how a regular everyday mom found the discipline and determination to complete a marathon.  In the quick tip segment, I talk about how to prevent and deal with shin splints.

100_3600I never thought of myself as an athlete. 

I didn’t play team sports and was more comfortable with my nose in a book.  How did I go from an introverted teenager to a confident marathoner? 

This is my journey. . .

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How to Perfect Your Running Form

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Bad running form can put undesirable stress on the joints and muscles and cause soreness and frustration.


In this episode of the Marathon Training Academy podcast Angie deals with how to perfect your running form so that you can run comfortably and safely.  In the quick tip segment, she spills the beans about one of the great websites she uses to research topics for the show.

Having good form can save energy and decrease the chance of common running injuries. 

If you are a new runner it is important to learn good running posture so that you don’t pick up any bad habits.  If you’ve been running a while, be sure to evaluate your running form to see if there are areas that need improvement. 

Let’s take a look at each body part directly involved in running. . . Continue Reading →


How to Find the Right Mental Motivation to Run Your First Marathon

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Are you training for the right reasons?  A study by Jacob M. Havenar PhD reveals the right and wrong reasons for wanting to run a marathon.

motivationsignAccording to the study, 106 people embarked on a 20 week marathon training program for the first time.  When it was over, 31 completed the training and finished their first marathon successfully.  But 75 people dropped out before week 10 of the program.  

The difference between the finishers and the quitters was their differing mental motivational factors

Here are the right motivational factors for running a marathonContinue Reading →


The Mystique of the Marathon

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It seems like every time you hear the news lately there is a report of a celebrity running a marathon. 

In 2009, 500,000 people ran a marathon, almost half of those were first timers.  Some famous people who have completed marathons include Lance Armstrong, (2:59:36) Will Ferrell (3:56:12), Katie Holmes (5:29:58), Oprah Winfrey (4:29:20), P. Diddy (4:14:54), Al Gore (4:58:25), Sarah Palin (3:59:36), and George W. Bush (3:44:52).

Somehow the marathon has become the new way to challenge yourself personally and change your life.   Whether you blend in with the crowd or are on the cover of magazines the marathon is an amazing achievement. 

Here is a A Little History for You: Continue Reading →


Safety Tips for Runners

safetyA couple of years ago I was on a morning run in a residential neighborhood. It was a fairly quiet street and I wasn’t concerned with the lack of a sidewalk or shoulder. A car approached and I didn’t become concerned until I realized that it was headed straight for me.

The distracted driver was applying makeup in her rear view mirror and I was forced to jump off the road into the ditch.  My heart was racing after that and I hope the driver learns to use her bathroom mirror in the future for any makeup application

Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there on the road and runners need to learn how to avoid potential problems and protect themselves.

Runner’s World Magazine found that in 2009 there were more than 20 runners who were killed by cars or trucks. There is the additional risk of danger from the unsavory human element of society. It is always important to be alert and aware of potential problems. Here are some safety tips to follow. Continue Reading →


From Couch Potato to Runner

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couchmanAre you ready to get off the couch and get your body moving?  Some of us have forgotten what it’s like to move the body.  As kids, running came naturally.  Somehow when we became adults we lost that natural motion.  It’s time for you to tap into that forgotten child and learn to love your body in motion. 

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