Congrats to our coaching client Luis who finished the Ultra Blue Island Marathon in Portugal and won his age group! He writes,
“Completed my trail marathon race with a time of 5:53:48. The race was cut by 6Ks due to high winds at the original arrival location because it is sandy and volcanic ashes; the winds could cause issues to runners.
If I had to continue to 42k, since it was 6K all downhill, based on my last lap of 6:21, I would have had 6:28ish, meaning MTA Coach Henry helped me shave off one hour from last year’s time.
I came in 37th overall out of 208 (42K-runners & young ones too) and 1st out of 7 in my M60 age group!
I’m also fired up because this route was actually harder than last year’s as they made some changes to within the first 20Ks pretty much uphill: we had “1K” of going up stairs (never seen this before) and 2Ks were actually steeper stairs and muddy (it poured the night before) and it felt like dancing tango: one step forward two backwards. Lots of fun! ”
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