Here are some more great photos from MTA Podcast fans all over the world participating in our 2017 virtual half marathon.
These photos remind me that . .
1. Running is an all weather sport.
2. Running is the best way to explore the world.
3. Running with friends and family is great bonding time.
More Photos from the MTA Virtual Half
Running in the Yukon
What a day! That was the toughest half I’ve done I think, glad to have done it though! I’m new to the MTA community and I just wanted to say I love all the posts, and the great networking going on here! You guys are great motivation to get out! -Ed M.
Run my virtual half today. Traded min/km with hm and asphalt with trail. Maybe my slowest HM but it was amazing😀and so freeing. Beautiful run, beautiful day. -Judith D.
To the Bronx and Back
Finished the MTA half. Under trained so was definitely rough going since my ankle isn’t 100%. Ran from Harlem to Washington Heights to da Bronx to Inwood back to the Bronx, home. The wind gusts! Reminded me why I love running – decompress and enjoy seeing the sights. Lesson: train next time. I needed this to get motivated again. -Anna M.
Northern New York
Chilly day in northern New York. Finish time 2:26. So cold my phone froze so no selfie from the run. -Tina S.
Hong Kong
I enjoyed the cool Hong Kong day as we have a monsoon coming in to town. A trail run later today to get my last 7 miles to finish my last long run! -J.K.C.
Who Has Two Thumbs and Loves Running?
Well … I’d already run my virtual half, but training called for a 13 miler … and another great run!! This time in Easton, MD! -Raley P.
Jazzed Up!
I ran my half earlier this month so today was 17. You and Trevor cheered me on the whole way. I went back listened to the podcast at the start of the year talking we have what it takes. You guys had me so jazzed up I felt awesome at the end. So since you guys cheered me on I did a cheer stunt for you! -Amy W.
Northern Denmark
Ran my virtual half today. I had to battle some very strong winds, and had the wind head on for the last 7 km, but had a beautiful race. Half was on trails and I could really get addicted to trail running, it was amazing. Sadly this location is 6 hours from where I live, but need to find some good trails nearby. Love reading about everyones races, and good luck to those running it soon. Thanks Angie and a Trevor for putting this event on. -Anne-Sofie H.
Mud Puddles
I completed my MTA Half Marathon this morning while running the Cambridge Half Marathon. . . We ran through many mud puddles. I kept hearing runners around me say “Tough Mudder!”. . . Thank you Trevor and Angie for encouraging us along the way to reach our goals!! -Kathleen S. H.
Completed my Virtual 1/2 M. On call so had to stick close to town. Found a salted road, light on traffic that was just perfect for the occasion. Gave it a good go and happy with my 1:38:36. -Hein M.
Texas Coast
Hey MTA! I finished my virtual half this morning as part of my 20 mile training run. I PR’d my half by 13:36!!!! I finished the half marathon in 2:02:25 and then went on to finish my 20 miles in 3:17:10. Today was a great day! –Christie Y.
Rochester, New York
2017 MTA Virtual Half marathon is in the books . . . our venue was the Rochester, NY River trail beginning and ending at the world famous The Genesee Brewery! Thank you MTA! -Deena R.
Perth, Australia
G’day fellow “Virtual Half Marathon” participants! I finished my race by running around my home city of Perth, Western Australia (although I’m originally from Canada) It was a beautiful day and I even managed to see a dolphin and some of our famous Black Swans. Near the end my heart rate was high and Kenny Loggins song “Danger Zone” came up… seemed appropriate! So I “Released the Kraken” and finished the last km strong. Thanks for arranging this event Trevor and Angie! -Jason P.
New Zealand
Beautiful day on the hills above Lake Taupo on the W2K. Not my best half due to a hip injury, but such lovely scenery in New Zealand, worth every extra minute. –Beth K.
Sri Lanka
Greetings from Colombo, Sri Lanka! Just finished my MTA virtual half marathon. Thankfully the weather was cool enough to release the Kracken. Thanks so much for organizing this awesome event. Really motivated me to get out and test myself. Look forward to future ones. All the best from a loyal MTA-er, Ron S.
Three Generations
It has been great to read everyone’s posts! Great Job everyone and many more Happy Running miles to you all! I started my running journey 18 months ago at the age of 45. Never dreamed I would love running so much. Love listening to Angie and Trevor on my long runs, people who see me are probably wondering why I’m smiling! You two make me laugh and smile and I learn so much! Invited my daughters to train and run the virtual Half with me. Bless their hearts they stuck with it! My 2nd Half and their first! Yesterday we ran along farm fields in our beautiful valley with our dogs. My Mom joined us on her bike. It was a great day with snow on the mountains, even though we had a pretty good side wind for about 6 miles. Thank you MTA for putting on the Virtual Half! -Hope K.
It’s been so great seeing all the race posts come in! Keep up the awesome work everyone! It was a bit of a grey, icy day here in Ottawa, Canada but nothing a few extra layers and some good tunes couldn’t fix.
-Katharina K.
Treadmill Only
Rochester New York was raining, snowing and 30s today and I am just not one for being miserable while running. Running has taught me that I am stronger than I imagined and the key is consistency, time, focus and patience!
Thank you for this fun event. Watched 2 episodes of “Stranger Things” on Netflix and got a Medal at the same time!!!! Too funny! -Marc E.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Rochester New York was raining, snowing and 30s today and I am just not one for being miserable while running. Running has taught me that I am stronger than I imagined and the key is consistency, time, focus and patience!
Thank you for this fun event. Watched 2 episodes of “Stranger Things” on Netflix and got a Medal at the same time!!!! Too funny! -Marc E.
Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Finished my MTA Virtual Half today in Jackson Hole. What a blast – easily my fastest half marathon on ice. Fresh snow & ice over night left clear skies & single digits (5 F) this morning. It was well worth the great views. -John D.
Cold But Beautiful Day in Iowa
I have listened to the MTA podcast for about a year and was so excited to be part of this event. Completed the half this morning with 2 friends, on a cold but beautiful day in Iowa. Had a great time and hope to do it again next year. –Cathy M.
Lamington National Park, Australia
I definitely feel like I earned my medal today! For my first half marathon (and longest run to date), I decided to take it to the trails and the weather decided to add an extra challenge. Certainly a great way to work on my mental toughness! –Salome W.
Thankful in The UK
Enjoyed my MTA virtual half marathon despite a touch of man flu!!!! Autumn leaves were fantastic colours this morning. Many thanks to you and Trev for such great company on your podcast. You do a great job putting the show together. Best wishes to you and fellow listeners. Cheers Beers –Steve P., UK
Nova Scotia
Virtual Half Marathon completed today! I was going to run tomorrow but i chose to fight cold 1 degree celsius (33.8 F) and wind instead of rain tomorrow! My first race from Hatchet Lake NS to Peggy’s Cove, NS . This race was my first race where I wasn’t worried about time. It was the first race I ever did where I stopped to enjoy my surroundings! Sorry if there are too many pictures of my journey today, I only wish I could share the smell of the crisp salt air as well! –Lorraine B.
Into the Kansas Wind
Sunny and 57 degrees here in Wichita with a bit of a headwind when I was heading south but that’s what makes me stronger!! Have to train in it to be able to endure it 💪🏼 I didn’t plan on this distance today but it’s one of my role model’s birthday today and she challenged us to run a half marathon this month. So this one was for her! Happy Birthday @marathonacademy Angie for inspiring us, challenging us, and encouraging us to live our dreams. I hope this year is filled with even more running journeys and joyful life experiences that you’ll share with your adoring listeners. -your loyal fan Traci N.
Game Face!
Running the Texas 13.1 bridge race today and knocking out the virtual! Happy Cake Day Angie! -Jerrell S.
Course Support
Happy to report that the Atondo’s completed the mta virtual half 🙂 it was warm here in the desert…67 at 5am. -Frank and Jessica A., Somerton Arizona
Picture is from today in front of Casa Loma in Toronto. How often do you get a chance to run past a castle? In the middle of a large city? -Jodi S.
California Coast
Ok I went a little overboard for my virtual half. I ran the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 Mile Championship in California yesterday. What a beautiful course! -Coach Steve Waldon
See more photos here:
Thanks Trevor!! love these… really feels like we did it together : )
The half was just a week after the NYC Marathon. I know I could have done it any other time, but it is not the way I think it is meant to be. I will definitely do the next one, God willing.