Runners participating in our virtual half marathon are sending in reports and photos of their run.
It’s fun to see the routes people have chosen and hear back. These runs are like mini-adventures.
For the MTA Virtual Half Marathon runners complete their 13.1 on their home turf (or wherever they want) and we send out the finisher’s medal in the mail.
The race completely sold out -a huge thanks to everyone who signed up!!
Photos from the MTA Virtual Half Marathon
Desert Running
U.S. Marine Sarahi G. completed her 13.1 miles in Joshua Tree National Park.
It wasn’t pretty but I’m proud of myself. I love running for the adventures it takes me on. I was able to see four Jack rabbits, huge ant hills (one that I stepped on and had about 20 ants going up my shoes and legs), a boat load of squirrels, and a small tarantula.
Atlantic Views!

You can see New York City in the distance

Mark B. did his half marathon in Sandy Hook, New Jersey.
I used the Run-Walk-Sightsee method and took my time learning some history and taking pics. And I finished! I did alot of other exploring and travelling home that day and finished the day only a mile short of a full marathon distance… and felt good the next day too. Thank you Angie and Trevor for supporting runners of all abilities! Finish time 3:17, and loved every minute of it!
Yorkshire Countryside
MTA Virtual half marathon completed in the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire, England. Accidentally ended up too far from my starting point so the run was a little longer than expected, hilly too. Thanks everyone for sharing your runs, you have really inspired me to get moving and to keep moving. -from Colette M.
Bad Ass Award
Tracy P. gets the BADASS award for taking a fall and shaking it off.
“I tried to run around a speed bump in the road and got a speed bump of my own right on my face. Tore my favorite pants, got owies on my knee/shoulder/hand, and got my first fall as a runner in the books. After that I walked the last three miles in the dark but finished cause momma didn’t raise no quitter. I just gotta see Angie’s head spin!!!”
Bart Yasso Sighting
Brent RG from New Jersey got to snap a selfie with the one and only Bart Yasso.
Scary Clown Sighting
MTA’er David L. from San Antonio finished in 2:07:36 and sent in this photo.
Missouri Strong!
4 months lingering knee injury and “virtually” no training past 4 miles twice a week! I really wanted that medal!! Definitely not a PR or PB; ran first 3, Galloway next 7. Then walked last 3! Time for the steam room, Epsom salts bath, ice packs and a little wine! -from Sharon H.
Trail Running in Vermont
Academy member Ingrid S-B. ran tough in Bellows Falls, Vermont.
Western Australia
Did my MTA virtual half today in a lovely suburb, Aveley, Western Australia. Celebrating my 50th birthday today. Just started my running journey earlier last year and have been listening to MTA ever since. I’ve been enjoying running so much. Thanks Trevor and Angie 💖💖 -from Evie R.
I did my virtual half today! It was a beautiful day, and I was able to convince my husband to be my mobile aid station / race photographer by riding his bike to meet me about 9 miles in. Thank you for doing this, Trevor and Angie! It turned a regular old long training run into a special occasion. -from Jamie A.
MTA Virtual Half done over lunch today! I took an extended lunch and combined all of my lunch run routes together for a 1:53:56 finish. -from Ryan H.
I ran the MTA Virtual Half today in Trindheim, Norway. It was quite cold, a lot of rain, and icy roads – so much weather, you really feel like living. -from Rune L.
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