photo credit: Brian Leon; Flickr Creative Commons
I’d been thinking about doing a podcast addressing issues that are unique to slower runners. When I posted on Facebook about this topic it really seemed to hit a nerve and we got a lot of good feedback. So, thank you to everyone who took the time to share your perspective on this topic. It was very helpful.
Issues Faced by Slower Runners
The big question to deal with first is what actually is slow. This is very subjective. For an elite runner anyone who doesn’t place in a race could be considered slow. There’s the whole “there’s only one winner mentality and second place is the first place loser.” But for a 7 hour marathoner a 5 hour marathoner is going to seem fast. There really aren’t any clear cut boundaries.
I guess if you looked at it from a numbers perspective then the top 30% of the finishers in a race could be considered fast, 31-60% middle of the pack, and everyone else slower. However, it really depends on a variety of your factors including age and gender and the type of race you’re doing.
Tales from the Back of the Pack
In the responses we received from people who perceived themselves to be slow there was a wide variety of paces mentioned from a 9:00 minute per mile (5:35/km) to 15:00 minute per mile (9:19/km).
I’ve seen articles about running before that basically said that if you didn’t run faster than a 7:00 min/ml that you were a jogger or shouldn’t even be running. Obviously that’s elitist crap and not the attitude that the majority of runners have.
But there’s also the assumption that every runner wants to improve their time and get faster. That’s also not the case. Many runners are perfectly content with their pace and simply run and do races to enjoy the challenge.
I’m a slow runner! My goal in races is to finish the race within the cut off time and everything else is a bonus. It might seem a low bar but strangely running a PB is not necessarily a motivator for me. Running with friends, enjoying the race and feeling healthy enough to finish the race are more than enough. I know I’ll never be a professional runner so why stress about my time?! It actually stresses me out more when people want to compare times with me. -Lina W.
So we’re going to talk about some of the challenges and issues that slower runners face. These may not apply to every slower runner so I don’t want to make blanket generalizations but these things did come up frequently in the responses we got.
1. Desire to get faster
As it turns out the majority of runners want to get faster and see improvements in their time. That’s why every running magazine and website has multiple articles devoted to getting faster, speed work, mental strategies, etc. One common thing that holds some runners back from getting faster is poor running form. There may be certain weaknesses and imbalances in the body that prevent you from getting faster as quickly. I’ve noticed that the majority of slower runners have a lower cadence (or leg/foot turnover).
My average long run pace was 12:30/mi until this spring. Within in the past 3 months, I moved up to a 10:30-11:00/mi. My challenges has always been breathing. My legs can do it but I hyperventilate. Now my issue is leg turnover. -Tricia M
Cadence is one thing I track and work on with my coaching client. Taking short quick steps will improve your running efficiency and reduce the risk of injuries that can be caused by over-striding. One great way to work on increasing cadence is by using a metronome app. You set the app to the desired beat per minute (180/min is ideal) and then try to match your steps to the beat. It can be helpful to try this by running in place at first.
One highly recommended app is called Visual Metronome by One More Muse. There are several different ones available for free that you can download. If your initial cadence is 140-150/min it will take some time to get to 180 so aim to increase your cadence by 10 steps per minute at first.
2. Carrying extra weight
One possible reason why a person may struggle to get faster is because they’re carrying extra weight. The more we weigh the more the forces of gravity hold us back and the more energy we’ll expend while running. Some studies have estimated that even 5 extra pounds of body weight can reduce our running performance by 5%. That’s why elite runners watch their weight very carefully.
I remember Meb Keflezighi talking about how he was right at racing weight before the Boston Marathon (a whopping 121 pounds). So, the fact is that if you can reduce body fat to normal levels that it will improve your running to a certain extent. Extra weight also makes annoyances like chaffing more common and it can be difficult to find running clothes (sports bras) that fit well. But we all know that talking about losing weight is much easier than actually making it happen.
3. Training takes more time
As a slower runner you’re on your feet for longer and may run the risk for overuse injuries if you’re not careful in your training. That’s one reason why it’s so important to include focused low impact cross training into your schedule. Things like swimming, cycling, rowing, yoga, Pilates, strength and core training work neglected muscles and can contribute to making you fitter and less injury prone.
At 63 years old and about 30 lbs overweight, my average easy run pace is around 15:00. One of the biggest challenges is being out there for hours longer than faster runners, which can add to overuse injuries. And most recently, having to stress over whether I would be able to finish before the cutoff time brought a lot of added stress, possibly even contributing to the GI stress that ultimately kept me from getting to my goal of finishing the marathon.
Also, I joined a local running group last year but no one runs my pace, so I still end up running alone. I get so much encouragement from all of you, and from the podcasts, which I’ve been listening to almost from the very beginning. You guys feel like family, and understand me better than non-runners ever could. -Sharon H.
4. Fueling needs may be different
When you’re running for multiple hours this may require some adjustment in your fueling routine.
I am a slower runner that used to be much faster prior to injuries and am really struggling to embrace the back of the pack!! Plus, it is really hard trying to run without walking at the back when so many seem to run /walk and take up so much space. Finally, do you fuel based on distance or time spent running? Thanks. -Jenni G.
You’ll want to fuel for the time you’re out there, not the distance. If you’ll be doing a 3 hour training run then you’ll want to fuel at regular intervals with enough calories to keep you feeling strong, but not too much as it can cause GI issues. Simple sugar products are often not as effective for longer time frames because of the quick release of the sugars.
For example, using multiple gels can often cause the GI tract to get overwhelmed with bloating, gas, nausea and diarrhea the result. I’ve seen some runners at the beginning of a marathon with what looks like a gel buffet around their waist. A longer acting fuel like UCAN may help keep energy levels more stable so that you require fewer calories for long runs.
5. Pacing strategies
As a slower running you will want to develop a pacing strategy that works for you as you will be on your feet for longer. This may include using run/walk intervals to conserve energy over time.
We interviewed Jeff Galloway of the run/walk/run method on the podcast a few episodes ago. You may want to go back and listen to that and check out his website or books for more information.
6. Elitist attitudes
Unfortunately, there are always some people who promote the idea that you’re only a real runner if you’re fast. This rubbish may come from some running publications and faster runners. However, I would say that this is the exception and not the norm. Most runners of all speeds are very supportive and encouraging. So if you run into one of the “bad apples” don’t let their negativity affect you. Realize that they’ve obviously got other issues that are causing these attitudes.
Several years ago there was an article in my local newspaper about how marathons needed to be more elite and only those runners who could post at least 3-3.5 hr times should be able to run them. This elitist mentality made me see red. I have so much respect for all runners, but particularly for those that aren’t naturally fast but persevere for 5, 6, 7 plus hours on the course! All marathoners show grit and determination but I argue that this group shows that even more so. -Anne K.
7. Time comparisons
Since running is a very numbers oriented sport it’s hard not to fall into that trap of comparing ourselves to others. I think we’ve probably all done that at some point. When I look at the times from elite and sub-elite athletes it’s easy for me to feel very slow. I’ll most likely never break the 3:00 barrier in the marathon (I’d be estatic with sub 3:30). This can lead to the “compare and despair” mentality.
I tend to struggle with placement at the beginning of the race, especially if there aren’t any pace groups. I’m always nervous about placing myself too far up in the pack because I really don’t want to get in anyone’s way, but if I place myself too far back, I’m doing a lot of weaving. . . . When I see my other runner friends placing in their age groups every weekend, it’s hard for me not to feel slow, but another runner friend reminded me of the “compare and despair” thing. I try to remember that I’m competing with other runners when I’m out there, not everyone. Otherwise, I think my stats would be a lot different. -Liz G.
It’s wonderful to want to compete with yourself and improve. That’s very natural. However if you find that this is taking the joy out of running and causing a lot of stress it may be time to take a step back. If you find yourself not happy with the way a race went because you missed an age group placing or you don’t PR every time then you’re placing too much pressure on yourself.
It may be time to run technology free, or not dig into the race stats quite so deeply. Whatever you do, don’t base your value as a runner on your speed or placing in a race. Every runner has worth and should be valued in the running community.
8. Discouragement with getting slower as you get older
We did a podcast a while back on the aging marathoner. And one fact of getting older is that eventually you will get slower. There is a period of years that you will often get faster no matter what age you start training but this will not last forever. Even though age is just a number I’ve accepted that someday sub-4:00 marathons will not be realistic for me (hopefully not for many years).
You have to think about why you run. Is it only to get faster? Or do you find other payoff factors in running? If you notice that your pace eventually doesn’t improve despite a lot of effort it may be time to focus on other benefits that come with running such as friendships, traveling to races, staving off illness that often come from inactivity, having more energy, and the mental and emotional boost that results from running.
Not only am i slow i am slow for an old person (he is 69). my goal when i started MTA was 12 min/mile. i have achieved that and my PR for a half is about 11:45 min/mile. But of course now i want to go faster. My last half i dropped back to 12 min/mile. I try a number of strategies such as monitoring my heart rate, run/walk, and run continuously. I would like to break 11 min/min and qualify for Boston. -Herb H.
But you don’t have to give up on the desire to improve just because you may be getting older or have come to running later in life. You can always become a better version of yourself. With age and experience can come mental toughness and a great appreciation for the ability to run.
9. Lack of running partners
Many running groups/clubs are often geared toward faster runners and you may feel left behind during track workouts or group runs. You may want to find a group that’s a better fit for you (like Team in Training or Disney run groups). Or you can connect with runners more your pace online. But one great thing about being slower is that you often make better connections with other runners during races. There will most likely be someone going your pace so you won’t be alone.
10. Stress over cut off times in races
This is a silly little detail that bothered me at the Pittsburgh marathon. Based on my expected finished time, I was put into the last corral (4 corrals total that contained both half and full marathoners). It took me 29 minutes to cross the starting line. -Erica L.
Not being able to finish during the cut off time is a real fear for slower runners. Often a race will have a cut off time which is shortened because it takes time for the last corral to actually cross the start line. Sometimes the roads can only be closed for so long and if you’re out on the course longer you don’t have traffic control and have to move to the sidewalks. Some races have been known to start taking down the finish line before the advertized cut off time which is not cool. I’ve had many runners report that they fear getting swept up in sag wagon.
Fortunately most races advertize their cut off times and you can usually read reviews on places like Marathon Guide from other runners to see how the races handles slower runners. There are also forums like the Marathon Maniac and 50 State FB groups where you can get feedback about how the race treats slower runners. Some marathons offer an early start option if you’re projected finish time is over 6 hours. As our quick tip today we’ll give you a list of races that are best for slower runners or walkers because they have generous cut off times.
11. Fear of being last
My positive about being slow is not how many finish in front of me but that I did finish and an added plus is how many people are behind me. If no one is behind me then I was just cleaning up the pack and making sure no one was left behind. Lol When I first started walking everyone laughed and said you are to old (I am 63). I will show them. my first 5K was in February in 25degree weather my pace was 14.40 and 750 finished behind me. -Mary Lee L.
The potential of being last can be a scary thing. I’ve had many people say that not finishing last is their biggest goal for a race. But if you look at this logically, finishing (even last) is better than not finishing at all. Someone has to finish last. And one lady who finished last said that it was actually very special. People cheered her on and it was a memory she cherished. The person who finishes last often has to overcome many more obstacles than those who finish near the front.
12. Sparse aid stations
Another issue slower runners face is that aid stations sometimes run out of supplies or are closed. I remember one marathon that Trevor and I did had abandoned aid stations after the 20 mile mark (and we were running an average pace). Usually those who have been out on the course longer need the aid stations even more. This is another one of those issues that you can read reviews about to see how the marathon stocks and staffs aid stations.
Race directors need to make sure that aid stations are fully stocked and staffed for the entire time the course is open. If you’re unsure if the race will have aid stations open then be sure to carry some fluids and fuel for yourself.
One of the biggest challenges of back of the pack runners in racing is that too many runners forget that no matter what your speed there are plenty of runners behind you. My wife has walked many half marathons and reminds me of this every race! Marty D.
13. Finish line getting shut down early
Often slower runners face fewer spectators, the race running out of medals and sometimes having the food gone at end.
I am a slower runner for longer distances. My marathon PR is 5:30, but most of my times are around the 6 hour mark. My average half marathon is between 2:30 and 2:45. At my first marathon (Chicago 2010), they were taking the course down around me. I finished last at a half marathon before (Delavan Frostbite Classic 2012). I don’t get down on myself about it, but I would like to get faster (and I am, slowly but surely). -Erin S
I always think it’s sad when a race doesn’t plan for food for all runners or when faster runners clean out everything. I like it when the race gives out one bag of food to each finisher—thus ensuring that everyone gets one. If you’re not a slower runner remember that there are hungry people behind you. Don’t take finish line food for family and friends.
There are some real issues to think about for slower runners but there’s also many positive things that come with the back of the pack. We’ll talk about some of the wonderful things about being a slower runner in another blog post.
Excellent piece! Thorough and dead-on accurate. I’ve been a walker, run/walker, jogger, now mid-packer and have experienced almost every one of these.
In regard to comparing times and paces with other people, about 8 years ago I stopped wearing a timing chip or having my time show up in results. I started doing it because (mostly) well-meaning folks would dive into the results then email something like, “hey, what happened out there?” or “looks like it wasn’t your day” when I probably thought I’d done OK or even great. I carried that worry and that weight every time I did a race and decided I’d had enough.
Once I knew that the only person watching me was me I began to click off PRs every time I raced. I pushed myself harder than I ever had, and I could finally always feel proud of myself knowing that I wasn’t going to be judged based on the clock. Most importantly, I now have fun and enjoy races. Sometimes I even forget I’m in a race – it all feels like a big workout to me!
Thank you Stacy. I really appreciate you sharing your perspective on being a slower runner. I think it’s great that you’ve decided to take the competitive (against other people at least) aspect out of racing and instead focus on getting the best out of yourself. Keep up the wonderful work!
I have experienced all of these. I admit I have embarassment that I am keeping the volunteers out longer. But I also tell myself a DFL at any distance is still WORLDS BETTER than being a slug still in bed (which I used to be!!!).
I recently ran a very small 10K. Joked with the course attendent I was DFL at the 3 mile mark. Ended up passing 3 runners around mile 4 (steady pace on my part; no actual speed). But I made sure the water station and course attendants knew how many were behind me to help them out.
I always try to find races friendly for slower runners, but sometimes you just want to get out and run a distance. I pay the same fees as everyone else! In fact, the slow runners and their fees are many times the difference in breaking even or even in making money for the charity. Us slow runners do give!
I know slow runners that will not sign up for many events because the perception is the race is too fast or only for “real runners”.
Fast runners have hundreds of choices for running groups, events, etc. But slow runners are loyal for those groups and events that go out of their way to make us welcome. Hopefully race directors and coordinators get the message. This list of problems is true and too common.
It chokes me up a bit when there is a solid crowd for the last runners. The chance to cross the line to cheers and run with others is critical to helping them keep running and improve their health and lives.
Thank you for the article and helping to call attention to this. The community gets better when it includes more!
Thanks WindRunner. You bring up some excellent points. I often find that smaller races tend to be more personal and willing to work with slower runners. Recently during the finish of the Western States 100 miler the last person to finish within the time limit was the most inspiring of all. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be out there for an extended period of time and I love to see the final runners applauded too. Keep up the great work!
Great Article!
For many of us who having been running distances for years our PR is way behind us. We still love the sport, but there are now dangers in training for speed. So we have changed our challenges from speed to quantity.
And we are still number oriented but it is not about finish times. The questions asked in a group of “endurance” (quantity) marathoners, or halfsters, will be: “How many have you now completed?” Or “How many have you done this year?” Or “This weekend?”
We are slow and often keep it that way on purpose. We could probably run a bit faster but have to keep in mind how that faster race will affect our performance next weekend or even for the next day.
Thanks for this excellent perspective Clint. You bring up a good point that running slower is a choice that some people make in order to make distance running easier to recover from and to accomplish a goal of doing multiple marathons (and ultras). Another benefit is that there is a certain camaraderie that develops amongst runners who aren’t trying to compete with others. It’s a wonderful thing!
I really appreciate this article. I just attempted the Chicago Marathon. The posted end time was 3:30, yet everything – water, gatorade, mile markers – were taken down by 1pm. This was so very discouraging. I felt like a wuss, because I gave up at around 18 miles. No water, relatively warm for a Chicago October, and my sadly declining confidence and motivation played a role, especially the latter two. Nice to read something that can help me be better emotionally prepared for a marathon. Thanks!
Hi Dionne. Thanks for sharing your experience at the Chicago Marathon. It can be very disheartening when the course doesn’t do a good job supporting back of the pack marathoners. But know that there are many people who experience the same things you do. I know you’ll be back and stronger than ever. All the best as you continue pursuing your running goals!!
I am a 60 year old diabetic and cancer survivor, who began running at the ripe old age of 58. When I run marathons (I’ve done 9 full or ultras thus far), I have to make it to the finish line with arthritic knees and bones that are thinning at an accelerated pace due to my ongoing cancer treatments. Because I’m a diabetic, I have to monitor my blood sugar for hypoglycemia. Diabetics are at greater risk of “hitting the wall” than other runners, and nothing will take you out of a race faster than bonking. I’m also very slow. It can take me 7+ hours to finish a full marathon.
I have to pick my races very carefully. Most marathons can’t accommodate someone as slow as I am.
But I’m not alone at the back of the pack. There are others back there – a few even slower than I am – who muster every bit of strength they have, as they make their way 26.2 miles down the road to that finish line. And our ranks are growing.
When it comes to the 7+ hour marathoners, you will find that most all have some kind of health related issues that make run/walking marathons more difficult than what the average marathon runner has to endure.
I have, personally, run/walked marathons with “back of the packers” who have asthma or other breathing problems, foot injuries, serious vision impairments, bone-on-bone arthritis in the knees, and total knee replacements. I have one friend who ran a half marathon while she was undergoing chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. There are, in fact, a surprising number of “back of the packers” who are also cancer survivors. As for age, I’ve run with a number of marathoners who were 65+ years old. Occasionally, I even run with somebody who is over 75.
We “back of the packers” may not be fast, but we are Strong. What we lack in youth or health, we make up for with sheer courage and determination.
I am proud to be a “back of the packer.” I am proud of the accomplishments of all my fellow “back of the packers.” I run/walk with some of the best people you could ever meet.
Fortunately, it has been my experience that most of the other runners that I have encountered along the way – surprisingly, even the young elite runners – seem to appreciate the fact that we “back of the packers” work hard to make our way to the finish line.
The main problem I have encountered is that most marathons close their doors to the 7+ hour marathon runners.
And that is a shame, because as a group we bring a level of determination and maturity to the race that you don’t find with those younger, faster runners.
I want to say right here that this old woman appreciates those marathons that open their races up to the exceptional run/walkers in the 7+ hour crowd.
Hi Colleen, Thanks for sharing your experience as a back of the pack runner. I have so much respect for the fact that you started running later in life and have not let health challenges stand in your way. I totally agree that there is so much inspiration to be found among slower runners and that races are missing out by not having longer finish times. Keep up the awesome work as you pursue your running goals!
Thank you. I’ve always been a back of the pack runner. Before kids, after kids. With less weight and more weight. I’m just not a speed demon. I’m physically built more for sprinting than long distances, but I slog my way through. And I’ve encountered all of this.
My greatest heartbreak was running the Twin Cities Marathon in 2007. It was my first (and as of now my only) marathon. It was a really hot October day that year. It was the same day as the Chicago Marathon, which closed down early due to heat and Twin Cities was considering closing as well. I had hoped to finish between 5-5:30 hours, but the heat changed that. I made it across the finish line just over six hours fighting the sag wagon behind me for the last few miles of the race. But when I crossed the finish line, no shirt (even though they still had them), no medal, no nothing because I was more than 6 hours. They had them, but I, in their eyes, hadn’t earned them. And the bitter part about it was that I had corralled myself towards the back out of respect for faster runners, but in the end they used gun time instead of chip time to decide who to DNF. I had always thought that it was the chip time that matters most.
It’s been nearly 10 years, but the pain is still fresh on that one.
Thanks for sharing your story from the Twin Cities Marathon. That was definitely a tough year due to weather conditions and it’s a shame that they didn’t see fit to give out race swag and medals to all runners who finished. I’d say that you should go back for a redemption Twin Cities Marathon. Or find another one that is much more friendly to slower runners. Thankfully there are a growing number out there who embrace runners of all speeds. All the best!
Thanks for your article. Not all “back of pack” are elderly and/or in bad health. I finished my first marathon in officially 6:56 however actual time probably about 6:48 since I had to stop for bathroom and to get food and water. I have never been overweight andhave been running for years
I’m 43 years old. There is nothing wrong with being slow. I still finished and even sprinted to the finish. Go slow runners!
Thanks for your comment and congratulations on your marathon finish! Like you said there are a myriad of reasons why runners are at the back of the pack and a successful race is to be celebrated no matter the finishing time. Taking the emphasis off of pace certainly makes running a more enjoyable experience. Keep up the great work!
I returned to running at 59 years old in 2012 after a 30-year layoff. I was as slow as I expected to be but was also encouraged by my ability to run that slow pace for long distances. That first year my fastest 5K iwas 35:30 and my fastest half marathon was 2:55:00. I was sucked in by the fun atmosphere of the races despite being at the back of the pack in every race.
I experienced many of the iossues mentioned above, In one out and back half marathon the water stations and finish line were taken down with many of us still on the course. The worst thing was that the turn-around point was abandoned early and the markers removed. I knew by my pace that we had run past the point and I encouraged other slow runners to turn around with me. We ended up running almost 14 miles in that “half marathon”.
After running five half marathons (all in around 3 hours) I decided to attempt the New York Road Runners Five-Borough Series in 2015. After registering for the first race in the series (the Brooklyn Half Marathon) I was informed that there would be a cut off time of 2:45:00. When I told them I would probably finish in 3 hours they responded “You are free to run on your own on the sidewalk after 2:45: I was heartbroken. No medal, no finish line to cross. I got my registration money back and haven’t run another half marathion since. I was so disappointed that I haven’t run another half.
Hi Steve,
Congrats on your return to running after the hiatus. Thanks for your thoughtful comment about some of the frustrating things about being a slower runner. Hopefully you won’t let this keep you away from races forever. You may have to pick and choose but I’m confident that you’ll be able to find some races that embrace runners of every pace. All the best!
I know this is an old post, but I wanted to mention the fact that after race food and drinks are often gone before the back of the pack runners finish. There should be some incremental distribution of food and drinks. I pay the same amount for registration and run the same distance. The year I ran the Chicago Marathon, all there was to eat or drink in the Bank of America tent was some vanilla energy drink. There was also some food, but it was gone by the time I made it to the tent.
Hi Mary! Excellent point. I always prefer when they give out food bags to all finishers so that everyone gets the same thing. When you’ve been out on the course for an extended period of time getting post-race calories is even more important. You’d definitely think that the Chicago Marathon could do better!
I run – but I am no runner!!! I only started running at age 67 and now at age 72, I am training for my first full marathon. This “event” is not actually a running race for me – it is a challenge not unlike climbing Mt Everest. This is also a huge challenge which to do is something that places you amongst the elite of the World . But most people don’t worry about what time they will climb Mt Everest in – they will only worry about being able to do it. This is the same for me for the marathon distance. If some snooty 3 hour marathoner makes fun of my 6+ hours time for the marathon, I will challenge him to run alongside me for 6+ hours!!!!!
I love your perspective! Best of luck as you continue to train for your first marathon.
I just wonder if many would be better off focusing on a faster 10k…then HM, before tackling the Marathon?
That’s my personal philosophy.
Yes, many runners prefer to work on their speed at shorter distances before doing a marathon. However, because of a variety of circumstances, some people aren’t going to get faster and it shouldn’t be a barrier to them doing a marathon if that’s where their passion lies. Best wishes!
I needed this today.
I’m getting very upset with people making fun and jokes about my slow running. I’ve been running for years. I’m getting slower as I age and I was never fast but I always enjoyed training and running. I’ve done 3 marathons and many half marathons. I have encouraged 2 much younger ladies to run and now they do races with me.
I just did another half marathon with a friend. It was her first. I did it in 248. She did it in 235. A co worker said to me and this young lady “you beat her and it was your first and she does them all the time”. This really hurt. Don’t get me wrong. I’m very proud of this young lady but she is 24. I’m 52. I’m out there giving it my all and doing the best I can.
Even my husband says “you should switch bibs with her so you can be fast”.
I just laugh the comments off but it’s starting to make me feel I should just stop doing races.
I’m considering adapting to more of a Galloway approach to my running. I don’t know.
Hey Colleen, We’ve heard from many runners who express that they often feel diminished by the comments of other people related to their running pace. We live in a society that does so many comparisons that it’s challenging not to let this get you down. If people close to you keep making comments like this it might help to be honest and say something like, “hey, I know you don’t mean to hurt my feelings but it really bothers me when you joke about me being slow….etc.” They may not even realize this is a problem and you confronting them about it may prevent them from saying this to someone else.
The bottom line is that running (no matter the pace) needs to be something that we do for ourselves. It’s important to be proud of yourself for your hard work and effort! Running has so many benefits to offer for mental, physical, and emotional health that it’s something we do even if other people don’t get it (or think speed is all that counts). You may want to consider following a runner named Myrna Valerio on social media (author of the book “A Beautiful Work in Progress”). She speaks very well to many of the prejudices that slower runners face.
This was an excellent article. I really appreciate reading about slower runners and the issues we face because it isn’t talked about enough. I started running at 37 (45 now) and I have run 16 marathons in 14 states. I struggle with being proud and feeling embarrassed because I am about 30 pounds overweight and feel like people don’t look at me as a real runner because of that. But the one benefit that keeps me signing up for the next one every time is that running has made a world of difference with my depression and anxiety. It gives me a purpose and a reason to believe I can overcome almost anything. Running is amazing therapy and the people I meet in the back of the races always inspire me to never give up!
I’m glad you enjoyed it! I think what you’ve accomplished the last few years is amazing. And I totally get the body image struggles. People may underestimate you but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a running Rockstar. What people think (or maybe say) about our bodies says more about them then it does about us. It sounds like running has been so beneficial as you deal with depression and anxiety that it’s worth it for that alone. Keep up the amazing work!
This article definitely hits home for me. I confess to moving ahead in the corrals at the brooklyn half every year I’ve participated because I KNOW they are using gun time (not chip time) to calculate the cut off. If it was a small race I absolutely wouldn’t do this because of the risk of impeding other runners, but the brooklyn half is SO packed that the first 2 miles everyone is going slow!
My major dilemma now is that I’m signed up for my first marathon in october, and I’m having difficulty finding a good training plan. Most that I can find for beginners (I’ve done 4 halfs but still consider myself a beginner based on speed, body type, and consistency) are laid out in a ‘run 25 minutes, run 40 minutes, etc’ way. If I followed these guidelines, I’d NEVER get enough mileage in/time on my feet in to prepare physically for 26.2. I wish more training plans were designed by goal mileage amounts rather than time…
Hi Teresa, Thanks for sharing your experience! I wish race officials would base the time limit on the time the final runner cross the start line. That would relieve so much stress for people during larger races.
You might want to check out the MTA beginner marathon training plan. It’s a mileage based plan with 3 running days per week, 2-3 cross training days, and 1-2 rest day.
All the best as you train for your first marathon!
Teresa, Just a random shot in the dark here, but this link should take you to the buildup plan offered to those training for a marathon in WI. It is a mileage based plan and I found the half marathon training plan to be extremely effective. Best wishes on your upcoming marathon!
One of the biggest issues I face as a “slower runner” is the training paces assigned to me for training programs. My marathon goal time is sub-5 hours. For shorter distances I’m well in the 10-10:30 pace range and have run a 2:17 half. I take quick walk breaks every half mile so my actual running pace is around 9:45-10 minutes.
Here’s my question – HOW do I slow down to a 12-minute pace for marathon training? Even when I was a newbie runner a decade ago and running a 12-minute pace, that wasn’t continuous…it included walking. What I don’t want to do is shorten my stride up and impact the rest of my biomechanics too much, I’ve spent too much time working on my hips and glutes specifically to take the responsibility off my calves to go back. Do I just add more walk breaks in? Longer walk breaks? I’m pretty sure I’ve been running all my previous marathon training cycles too fast and that’s why I’m conking out 17 miles in. I have marathon #6 coming up in December and would LOVE to run a proper training cycle this time around.
Great question Stacy! It can be challenging to balance the need for an easy pace during long runs with keeping good biomechanics and running form. I often encourage people to watch their heart rate during long runs and keep it in Zone 2 (to possibly low Zone 3 depending on your watch metrics). If you find your heart rate creeping up too high it’s a good idea to throw in extra walk breaks. Another good method is to keep your pace a bit slower for the first 3/4 of the long run (adding walk breaks as needed) and then if you’re feeling good speed up the pace for the final 1/4 of the long run. That way you’re building endurance and prolonging your energy levels as long as possible.
Thank you! I combined this advice with another website’s recommendation that I run “lighter” (tougher than it sounds, lol) and I made it through 8 hot, humid miles (Texas!) on Saturday with an average 11:36 pace. I was obviously slower going up the hills and in the later miles but I didn’t feel as though I’d been run over a truck at the end. Could’ve easily gone a couple of extra miles. I did have trouble slowing my running down in later miles, which is always a problem as I’m warmed up…but I did the best I could and then just walked the rest. Average HR for the whole run was 150, I’m usually around 160.
I really appreciate your response and am so happy Saturday went better than expected.
Way to go! That sounds like good progress to finish feeling like you could keep going.
Thanks for this article! I just finished my first marathon, with a goal pace of 6 hours that was somehow unrealistically fast. I ended up overdoing the start, and having to walk most of the last 4-5 miles because of severe stomach cramps. I think one of the reasons i aimed for a 13:30 pace average even though my training long runs were more like 15:00-15:30 is because i thought 6:30 wouldn’t have been a “respectable“ time but 5:59:00 would be. I realize this was dumb now, and really encourage all first timers to own YOUR goal, because nobody else can run your race for you. If you are lucky enough to have a no cutoff time first race like me in NYC Marathon, take advantage of it! Im not sure the marathon distance is really for me, but i really appreciate your podcasts and have been listening for years!
Hi Danielle, Congratulations on finishing your first marathon in NYC!! I’m sorry to hear that you had a rough patch with those stomach cramps. Way to stay strong and go the distance! You’re absolutely right that it’s important to start conservatively and be proud of yourself no matter the pace. We really appreciate you being a long time listener 🙂
Thank you for this article. I am a slow runner, but I still consider myself a runner, I think. 🙂 I try to push myself to points of “misery” to get faster and then I hate running. The other day I set a timer for 50 mins and just “ran”. It was a 12:00 pace, but it was one of the most meditative and relaxing “runs” I’ve had for a while. I can run faster, I suppose…but it was a great run for me in that I was connected. I struggle with being embarrassed about being “slow” and sometimes feel I don’t deserve the title of being a “runner”. But I’ve done a lot of half marathons and a half Iron Man. I’d like to think that I am a modest amateur athlete, no matter how long it takes.
Hi Margie, Thanks for leaving the comment. I’m so glad that you consider yourself a runner. I love that you’re looking for more ways to enjoy running while leaving pace out of the equation. There is definitely so much more that can be gained apart from getting faster. There’s certainly nothing wrong with working on getting faster but if it sucks the joy out of running then it probably doesn’t positively contribute to your life. Keep up the great work and be proud of yourself!
Hi Angie and Trevor:
I’m more of a middle of the pack runner, but I really liked the suggestion you gave about using a metronome to sync your running to as it can help increase your cadence. On my next run I was set to figure out my cadence and realized the Nike app I use tells you your cadence for each run! Who knew? After checking previous runs my cadence averages between 170-175, so not bad. But I wanted to see if I used a metronome would it be faster, and sure enough it was! Nothing crazy but it increased to 182. Thanks so much for this tip! Hopefully it’ll help me improve my overall pace in future races.
Wow, great work! It’s amazing how being more mindful of cadence helps bring it up.
I trained down from 340 pounds but ended up running at 270. I am slow finished at 645 My biggest issue during the race was this it was coupled with a half marathon and as people began to drop out they were side by side texting I had to take a lot of turns to get around people. Ended up running just under 29 miles. Loved it will do another. Love the show!!!
Hi Ken, Amazing work on your running and weight loss journey!! Congratulations on finishing your first marathon too. It does sound like parts of the course were challenging with people not being mindful of other runners. I guess you got extra distance for your money (ha, ha). Keep up the awesome work!
I’m doing my second marathon this weekend. A little nervous as the first one was virtual and took me 7:30. The one this weekend has a time cutoff of 6 hours. I usually do the run-walk-run method and have found a pace that is sustainable for me. I’m hoping this race is gracious to us slower runners!
Good luck this weekend! It’s smart that you’ve practiced your run/walk method. The atmosphere of the race should help power you along as well. Let us know how it goes!